Urology is a field of medicine that studies diseases of the genitourinary system. At present, this medical field is particularly in demand.
Highly qualified urologists of Minsk successfully fight against diseases of urogenital organs. A full range of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures makes it possible to cure the bladder, urinary tract and sexual organs in the shortest possible time.
Despite the world quality of urological services in Belarus, prices for them are much lower than for similar procedures in Russia and Europe.
Different research methods are used for effective diagnosis:
- Clinical,
- Instrumental,
- Biochemical.
Clinics with whom we cooperate in the field of urology, have everything they need for a comprehensive examination and treatment of modern methods.
Progressive methods of diagnostics of ureplasm, chlamydia, mycoplasmus, as well as rectal ultrasound examination (i.e. ultrasound) make it possible to determine the size, volume and even structural changes of the prostate gland.
In which cases it is necessary to consult a urologist
- With too much urination,
- Kidney disease,
- If you feel that your bladder isn't completely empty,
- In male infertility,
- In lower abdominal pain and lumbar and groin pain,
- If there's blood and/or pus in the urine,
- In case of problems with the potency,
- In inflammatory processes (cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis).
You can use the following services:
- Diagnostic bladder tests,
- Diagnostic examination of the urinary tract,
- Diagnostic examination of ureteral holes (urethrocystoscopy),
- A comprehensive study of urinary tract injuries,
- Treatment of disturbed urination in women, including urinary incontinence,
- Treatment of prostate and sexually transmitted infections,
- Treatment of infertility in men,
- Screening and treatment for prostate adenoma,
- Endourological diagnostic and treatment procedures,
- Treatment of potency problems,
- Treatment of premature ejaculation.
Call or write to us! We will advise you competently and help you with the organization of treatment in Belarus. Prices for medical services will remain the same for you - we do not make markups for them.
We will find a good center for you, book coupons to the necessary doctors, organize a transfer, accommodation, and if you want - interesting tours of the city or shopping tour!